what's an interesting and eye-catching enviromental problem? Could be global warming but how about other suggestions? are there any problems that would make a good discussion?Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?Ebola has got to be one of the most fascinating diseases on the planet. Hope this helps.
p.s. Theories suggest Ebola lies dormant in the jungles and forrests and the more people venture into these areas, through deforestation, the more of the virus we will see.Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?
deforestationResearch paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?I am interested in environmental restoration. There are many groups out there, usually in every type of area that wants to return a piece of land to what it was like before people got to it. For me, I want to focus on islands because once you "fix" something, it tends to want to stay fixed.
Think about all the plants and trees and animals out there that just don't belong there. For instance, in the South, there was a time after a bad flood in the early 1900's that caused everyone to plant Japanese kudzu vines to hold the top soil down. Now kudzu is a horrible menace to forests that it smothers. In California, we have Spanish broom, a bush that is pretty in the spring, but chokes out everything else and creates a big fire hazard. In California we also have animals that just don't belong, like feral pigs and goats. Both destroy native fragile plants, with pigs digging up the roots so that when it rains, it causes mudslides!
However, when it comes to getting rid of something, especially animals, you run into problems with people who think that it's cute and fuzzy or "it's one of God's creatures". There are huge problems with reintroducing wolves near sheep ranches like in the Yellowstone area, but there people who complain that there are too many whitetail deer also don't want them shot. Where can man draw the line? Is it wrong to get rid of a golden eagle because it is eating all the endangered foxes?Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?
Diseases: lupus, ebola, west nile, leukemia, meningitis
Environmental topics: ozone depletion, waste management, energy crisis, changes in the earth, endangered speciesResearch paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?Please check these sites they will give you more than enough material. Nuclear waste, ozone depletion, toxic chemicals etc. Good luck on your research paper.
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