Monday, February 20, 2012

According to this gauge, how deep are your environmental beliefs?

Personally, I'm either Hip Deep or Deep entirely out of my own accord, but I am very hostile toward the asinine Deeper belief and anything below it, the level of concern that I am at makes the most sense. And no, the belief that Humans have as much right to live on Earth as wildlife does not automatically condone environmental problems such as pollution, overpopulation, etc. Please try to understand that.According to this gauge, how deep are your environmental beliefs?I'm between knee deep and hip deep. I believe the Earth would be better off with fewer people, but I know that it would be impractical to try to enforce that (China has tried it and it's created problems). I agree that the deepest levels are going too far, but it's odd that it doesn't show the other extreme, ranging all the way to, "We should destroy all other living things on the planet just because we can and they're taking up space we could be using." Those people are out of their minds too. If we killed off everything else, what would we eat? Each other? Actually that's beside the point. With no trees to absorb carbon dioxide and replenish the oxygen, we soon wouldn't have anything to breathe, let alone food to eat.According to this gauge, how deep are your environmental beliefs?It won't let me open the file

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