Thursday, February 16, 2012

Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?

what's a fasinationg disease to research? include name, and possible websites

what's an interesting and eye-catching enviromental problem? Could be global warming but how about other suggestions? are there any problems that would make a good discussion?Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?Ebola....Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?Using corn ethanol vs. sugar based ethanol as an alternative for gasoline. You'll find that the reason the US is using corn based is because of farm's actually better to use sugar based.Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?you can always talk about orbs!!!

i did a presentation on that and i had that class in the palm of my hand. i could have told them they were alien bubbles and they would have still been facinated.Research paper topics help! limited to diseases and environmental problems...?
you should try doing habitat destruction with animals to give you a little bit of a head start you can go to

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