Thursday, February 16, 2012

Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?

Write about the environmental problem that annoys you most. Also, How would you address it?Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?I don't know if I would say it annoys me, but the issue that concerns me the most is habitat destruction. I am an avid animal lover, and we as humans are just getting greedier and greedier for more land and destroying their wilderness habitats! We occupy enough land people, so let others species have the rest!Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?
polution.Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?Peoples wasteful attitudes and thinking someone else will take care of cleaning up.Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?

To address the problem, I'd push for laws

which would make local governments

monitor how land is used and distributed.

Developers often break laws and destroy

natural resources to build structures that

we really don't need. This also causes

wildlife to lose precious space that's

needed for their survival.

I intensely dislike



developers!Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?which environmental problem concerns me the one that really edges me is much more can be....though it costs alot, in the long run it can really befit the environment addition to this the state should really look into major factories who are well financially established and encourage them to do more in terms of recycling.
trying to get a job. thats my biggest worry right now.Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?
The environmental problem that concerns me most is one that isn't even receiving very much media attention - electromagnetic and microwave pollution - 'electrosmog', if you will. This would include everything from cell phones to cordless phones to power lines, cell phone towers, and wi-fi.

Dr. Robert O. Becker passed away last year, but he spent his life studying the NON-thermal biological effects of chronic exposure to man-generated electromagnetic fields. All of the guidelines in place today were based on the thermal effects of this radiation. In other words, no heating of issue equals safe. But every cell in the human body is electrically tuned into the earth's and sun's fields, and I fear we are messing with these 'instructions'. So does Dr. Becker, 'father of electromedicine'.鈥?/a>

How would I fix it? I'd turn it all off. I've been so sick since the advent and proliferation of wireless technologies (cell phone towers and wi-fi) that I'd be willing to do without electricity.鈥?/a>
i think the most concerning problem would be the fact that the polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate. i'm more worried about the extinction of polar bears than the idea of the entire world being flooded over. I'm not really sure how we can solve this problem since it's mostly the fault of the large businesses that release carbon monoxide and all those other harmful gases that destroy the Ozone layer.Which Environmental problem concerns you the most?
I'm terribly concerned that my "Recycle Bin" is made with only 50% recycled material. I mean holly crap, if we can't make a trash can from it, whats the point?
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystems.
destruction of forests of trees and animal habitats

Global warming


Animal extinction
The UN funded IPCC.

I would solve the problem by defunding it.
Over population, lack of population control....greed for economic growth...

If we control population then we can also control most of the other problems associated with Human activity...

To address this would be difficult, China have but other counties would have problems with freedom to do what anyone wants / religious principles etc. Suspect we will keep going increasing our population and rely on decease / famine / war to reduce it periodically
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