Friday, February 3, 2012

My best friends hates me. 10 points?

My best friend shawnia and i have been friends since middle school.she actually use to bully me in 7th grade till i punched her in the face for hitting me. So now we are in 12th grade and her old behavior is starting to come back. It seems like she hates me.

It started when we were at little ceasars getting pizzas and she said the cashier was hot and she started flirting with him but he said to me ooo i like your nails (even tho the paint was chipped) and he said do u want a soda and i said no (we were ordering) and he said just grab one no charge. So i said thank u and he said your welcome beautiful. Then some girl came in and said omg your so pretty to me and then we went outside to wait for my mom (she was getting gas) and this big group of guys said hey u want a ride of course i said no. Lol a weird night i swear this happened. She was so pissed the rest of the night. Shes alway bitchy now. She always says i look fat and im a bimbo. What should i say to her? I love her.My best friends hates me. 10 points?
She is jealous and angry that you got the attention that she craved, especially from the guy who gave you a free drink.

Talk to her about it and tell her that it's unfair to take it out on you, when you have no control over what other people say or do.

Tell her to stop being a bully like before as you won't put up with it, just like you didn't last time and that this time you may not be friends anymore if she continues being nasty.

Explain to her that you were surprised about the compliments as you weren't expecting them, especially with the chipped nail varnish! Also tell her that she isn't unattractive and shouldn't turn into a nasty bully to make herself feel better, when it would just ruin things.

I hope she understands and stops her bad attitude towards you, good luck.My best friends hates me. 10 points?
she is jealous of you. am not going to say forget about her because you obviously cant, but maybe you should find a new friendMy best friends hates me. 10 points?
she's probably just jealous of you! it's normal try to talk to herMy best friends hates me. 10 points?
im a guy, i would punch her in the face. thats how me and my friends solve our differences. ya we're pretty hardcore ;p
She is obviusly Jealous. Just talk to her, ask her why she is so mad. But we all really know why. See what she says, see if she makes up and excuse or comes right out and says what shes thinking. If she says what she is really thinking, just calm her down and just talk like girls do and get along with eachother, try to stay off the subject of 'boys'.

If she makes up an excuse and you know she is making up, then say 'Well if you dont tell me, whats really wrong then I cant help you.' See how she reacts.

I know you 'love' her, but if she is treating you like that, stand your ground dont get pushed around.

Hope I Helped, Jamie xo
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