Friday, February 3, 2012

I want super skinny legs! But naturally muscular help?

And by that I mean fat, and muscle in my legs.. I wantskinny legs I'm a curvy girl thou. I have a tiny tummy and curvy booty. 5'5 and 132lbs

I work from 4 pm to 10 pm mob-Friday at little ceasars pizza.

I work Saturday and Sunday 9am-2pm waitressing

I eat only about 800-1200 calories a day

I started doing cardio for 45 min a day.

I really want skinny legs and wAnt to weight 113 ideally but I kno I shouldn't go under 117 so that's my goal. Any advice on how to get there?I want super skinny legs! But naturally muscular help?
I've been going to the gym for about five or six years and I work out my upper and lower body. I have seen guys walking around with what I call stick legs because they only concentrate on their arms and upper body and do not work out their lower body. I personally think it looks tacky. I have been told by trainers that everything starts in the kitchen when it comes to weight control. As long as your legs are in shape and muscular they will look good with the rest of you regardless of what you may think. But if you want your legs to shrivel up into stick legs stop working them out and concentrate on your upper body and your legs will wither away. But a trainer would encourage you to work out your upper and lower body. You might find simple isometric exercises such as laying on your back and doing leg lifts will firm up your legs and standing up doing squats and leg lifts will shape up your legs after you do your cardio. I wish you the best of luck

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