Monday, February 20, 2012

Human Population as an Environmental Problem?

I need to do research on a specific problem under this broad category. I also need to make arguments for at least two sides of the issue. What is a good "specific problem" I could research that would pertain to human population as an environmental problem?Human Population as an Environmental Problem?You might look at countries like India or China which have massive and fast-growing populations, and which are also rapidly industrializing without many environmental safeguards. On the one hand, the people in those countries have as much right to "the good life" as people in more modern countries. On the other hand, raising their level of consumption to that of the US would be devastating for the planet.Human Population as an Environmental Problem?HUmans are a virus to the planet. We eat up resources like locusts. The bigger the population grows the bigger our problems will become. However, the Earth will kill us all long before we destroy her. That is natures way.

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