Monday, January 30, 2012

Isn't it weird how a lot of pizza places end in s?

Like Guidos, Hungry Howies, Dolly's, and Little Ceasars.|||its a possesive noun.

whoever 'owns' the pizza joint.

they want it to have a family owned italin cuizine feel.

its a marketing scheme.|||No not really.

Pizza Hut doesn't|||no and technically they don't end in s. like hungry howie's- it's hungry howie.|||pizza hut doesn't end in s|||Um...that's not weird at all. It's usually a "possessive" form of a name.

Like, "David's Pizza."

Means it's..well, it's David's pizza place.|||my favorite is peroni's|||wow you're right. i thought about it and that's really true

but ino one that dosen't

pizza hut!!!!! lol|||Dominos, Salianos...

But Pizza Hut doesn't :)|||Don't forget pizza hut, breadeux, and pizza ranch!|||pizza hut, 5 buck pizza, the pizza factory...|||But a lot of fast food places end like that too.|||Pizza hut|||Don't need to feel weird. :)|||pizza hut doesnt and they're like the main place 2 go for pizza. ask almost anyone. but you do hav a point.|||Isn't it weird how we show possession by adding an S?? NO because it's called grammar. It's that person's pizza shop so that's why it's Dolly's. I really hope you aren't this stupid.|||Very weird|||They end in 's to show who they belong to. If I had one it would be 19G30's.|||every single one does except for pizza hut lol|||Pizzeria Uno|||Macy's, Dillard's, Sears, Bloomingdale's, Tiffany's, etc.|||yah so weird!!! =)|||It's basically meaning it's a possesive thing. Like, (whoever domino is) it's DOMINO'S pizza place. Get it?|||That is weird, the only one I can think of that doesn't is pizza hut.|||Pizza Hut- no

Dominoes- yes

Grottos- yes

Giacomos- yes

Yes, but thinks about it, its not just pizza places, it is all places kinda, that serve food i guess becasue it be weird if the place was called, Papi's, and if it didnt have an s it would be papi, which is weird|||Not all places end it 's' either.|||I've never heard of any of those except for Little Caesar's lol.|||You're right! I'm wondering how many PIZZA HUTS there are in the USA.|||and Dominos but PIzza Hut doesn't end in s. but you are right it is weird :)|||That's because they are all indicating possession. They should all have an apostrophe in the name. Guido's pizza restaurant. Howie's pizza restaurant. Little caesar's pizza restaurant.

Pizza express also ends in S, but Pizza Hut, Pizza Land, Pizza Piazza all don't.|||pizza hut....but


pappa ronis


pappa johns

lil caesars


haha yeh thats interesting.|||yes but that is because it was really called Pizzas

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